Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's Been a Little Quiet

       I know I haven't posted in a while, but being a normal human being I have an excuse for that. (This blog post doesn't starting off sounding to good...) =)
       It's something I would say is a pretty good excuse, but it may not be that good.
WARNING: I usually make short stories long.
       I was working in Missouri. My dad, one of my sisters, and I were helping my grandma's sister (my great aunt) move. She's coming to live with us for a little while because my grandmother (her sister) isn't well.
       We worked long days and were busy all day. It was a very long drive to MO. However, the drive back was much worse. The vehicle we were in broke down, but there is a catch! Before our car broke down my great aunt said she was hungry and asked us to turn off at the next stop. (We were on a toll rode with only three stops, this was the only stop that vehicles could come on from both sides.) Right when we we about to park the back end of the vehicle jerked really hard, as if we hit something going fast. We began to pull in to the parking space even slower and it happened again. There was nothing in the road.
       My dad knew that it was something in the gears and we were able to call a tow truck. We were stuck in another state between MO and our home for about two days the we finished our long drive.
       I really want to point out something that probably isn't very clear to you because of how I wrote out the story. God saved us through a hidden miracle. My great aunt said she wasn't hungry after we pulled into the rest stop. But, if she hadn't asked to stop off there, we would have been going eighty miles an hour when that vehicle jerked! We may have died or wrecked, or who knows what! Not only that but that particular stop was perfect for a tow truck to come into, because that was the only stop that was open on both sides.
       When we got home *huge sigh of relief* my sister added that if we had been driving all that day, we might have had to drive through the big storm that came through. Praise the Lord for His protection!
       My next post is going to be on driving, but for now I'm exhausted...ZZzzZZzzzzz

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